Lemon Sesame Asparagus Salad

In the weeks following my Sedona race came the pre-Valentine craziness at work. In the floral industry, “V-Day” is our busiest holiday and the long hours and chaos that make up the first two weeks of February leave me with little time, or energy, for all the other fun stuff – like working out and cooking! I’m happy that thanks to my awesome coworkers, the holiday went very smoothly and there were smiling faces all around! I mean, take a tiny space, fill it with 4 extra people and about 30 cases of flowers: you are blessed to have about a 2 foot space to work in, and if you need something at the back of the cooler you can either find someone with long arms and impecable balance, or forget about it. Personal space is out of the question and if you thought you were already finding stem fragments in odd places, just wait. But even though we were all grumpy, and tired, and hyped up on too much coffee, I know all florists secretly love it… deep down. Just a little bit.
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So about Sedona… It was incredible. Just amazing and breathtaking. The weather forecast had predicted rain, but the sun came out in time for the race and just totally lit up the mountains! The hills were… large… but fortunately I’ve done so many squats in preparation that my glutes pushed me up those hills like a boss! I received probably the best compliment ever from a woman passing me: “You have great running form on the hills – you make it look easy.” That just totally made my day! It’s still making my day!! I passed it forward and did my best to encourage some other runners on the course. Overall, I just felt so filled with joy the entire day. I haven’t told many people this, but I actually started crying a little at mile 8. I know… sappy. It wasn’t even from the pain. I was at the top of this hill and the sun came out and lit up this remarkable view of Sedona, it was just the most beautiful thing, and I just felt so proud of myself for making it. Probably for the first time ever, I really felt acceptance and love for myself. Oh! And I surpassed my goal! 1:54!!

Screenshot_2015-02-18-07-12-13~2That’s one of my semi-acceptable finish photos. Most of them are pretty hilariously terrible.
Next up is another half marathon on March 7th. The Run for Ryan House supports a great cause and the race takes place practically in my back yard. The course covers much of what I run for long run days. After taking the past couple weeks pretty slow, I’m now bumping up my mileage to get ready for that. Ideally, I’d like to beat my Sedona time, but I’m also just looking forward to having a fun, enjoyable race. Can I curb my competitive spirit? Yeah… no, probably not.

I went for a really nice 8 mile run with a friend this morning, and by the time I had time to sit down to eat, it was really more like lunch than breakfast. So, I had this amazing brunchy salad. It’s not really a recipe, it just came out so beautiful that I had to share it with you! I usually have my go-to salad for lunch every day, and it stays pretty consistant. But I love when I have time to get more creative with lunch! 0218151150~2Salads are just the perfect blank canvas! Here’s today’s: Baby greens, grated zucchini, avocado, pink grapefruit (from a friend’s yard – they’re like the best ever!), preserved lemon, olive oil, lemon juice, black pepper, smoked sea salt, and 3 eggs over-easy. Those runny yolks make a creamy
delicious dressing, and are such a powerhouse for nutrients! Perfect way to refuel!

Ok, So now I actually DO have a recipe for you. This Lemony Asparagus Salad is a really refreshing and springy. Asparagus has been SO cheap in my area lately, I just had to find a way to prepare it differently than my usual garlic and coconut oil saute. Use your vegetable peeler to make thin, noodle like, slices of raw asparagus stalks, dice the tops, and coat with dressing!

0209151934~2 Lemon Sesame Asparagus Salad

1 bunch Asparagus
2 tbls. Fresh lemon juice
3 tbls. Olive oil
1/2 tsp. Dry mustard powder
1/2  tsp. Maple syrup
1/2 tsp. Sesame oil
Zest of 1/4 lemon
Sprinkle of garlic powder
Salt and Pepper to taste
Sesame seeds, optional

Combine dressing ingredients in a small jar and shake. Makes enough dressing for the salad, plus a little extra. Wash and dry 1 bunch asparagus. Remove bottom end by snapping it off – it breaks off just the right amount of woody stalk. Using your vegetable peeler, create long, think, slices of asparagus. When you get to the last little bit of the stalk, you can prop it up on a flat wooden spoon to make it easier to peel. Dice the leafy tops, and combine in medium-sized bowl. Add dressing, stir, and sprinkle with sesame seeds for some extra flavor and crunch!

Two More Days: A Reflection on Training

Well… this is it! Just two more days until my half marathon! I think I’m ready – I’ve got the enthusiasm down anyway, and I think that counts for half of it. Of course I’ve been following my “Your Best Half Marathon” training schedule, completed my 13 mile training runs in an acceptable time, got new shoes (not too new), got a new race outfit (long run tested!), and have spent the past week incorporating a little extra yoga and water. I cut out alcohol for this past month and refrained from touching the bar bell this week (sad face 😦 ). I’ve even got my underwear picked out. This means I’m ready, right? Well, I’ve got enthusiasm, anyway!
The truth is that the most important training started a long time ago. Even before that hot August morning when I sat on the couch next to Brian and said “Hey, I think I’ll run a half marathon. I could do that, right?” It started even before we got to Arizona. It was almost a year ago that the first time ever, I ran the entire Back Cove trail (just over 3 miles) with out stopping to walk. This was a shining moment for me, and probably the most important moment in my training thus far. It was that proud moment that I realized, “Hey, I CAN do this. And if I can do 3, maybe I can do 5. Wow… 5 miles. That’s bitchin'” And from there on out, its just been this awesome journey of little by little moving forward. From my first 5k, and 10k to my first trail race; what’s even more amazing than looking forward at what I am about to do, is looking back, at all that I’ve accomplished.
I’ve finished my training program, but it’s the enthusiasm that will get me through the race.

Now, about eating on the go. Like, literally eating on the go. What to eat mid-run when I need a boost?! If you’re anything like me, and you have a sensitive digestive system, running nutrition is… challenging. You may also be like me if you find any of the various goos, gels, chomps, bites, etc. on the market really unpleasant – both in taste and extensive ingredient list. Generally speaking, I just don’t eat while I’m running. It kinda just weirds me out. I also find that if I fuel smartly, with healthy fat, before my run, I have plenty of slow burning energy to keep me going for what ever distance I may be covering. However, come race day, I wanted to be prepared with something to give me that extra boost if I need it mid-run.  Fortunately, I didn’t have to do too much experimenting before I found what works absolutely perfectly for me:


Tada!! Crystallized Ginger. Soft candied ginger cubes are perfect for that extra little bit of “go-go” you sometimes need to push through your long run. For me, the ginger helps settle my stomach, which is prone to upset and reflux during exercise. They are bite-sized, easy to chew, easy to pack, don’t come with extra packaging, and aren’t sticky or messy. They also only have TWO ingredients: ginger and evaporated cane juice. You can usually find them in the bulk section of your grocery store or natural food store, which also means they are very affordable and you can get what ever amount you need – whether it’s just a few for race day, or large amount to keep in the cupboard for long run days.

Plus, they actually taste good!!

Tomorrow afternoon, we hit the road for Sedona, and Saturday morning is the big race.  It’s supposed to rain all weekend, but I think it’s going to be a beautiful day anyway! Happy running – or whatever it is that you DO!



I’m Back!

I’m back! After a not-so-brief hiatus, I’ve dusted off my recipe book and dug up my WordPress password to get back to sharing some fun stuff!
The past few months have been pretty busy with work and getting into a rhythm. Since August I’ve run a few really fun races and had some really great times. I am in “training mode” now and really enjoying the building blocks towards my half marathon in January (Sedona 2015 – CANNOT wait!!). I am lucky to have met so many awesome people and runners through the Fleet Feet store, and they are keeping me going – especially with shorter daylight hours. Umm… creepy things come out in the dark – I am all for safety in numbers. So here’s a little synopsis of what you’ve missed. Then we can get to the good part – which is food, of course!


I ran my first ever 5k – not only that, I ran my first ever RACE!  It’s not somewhere I ever thought I’d see myself – but I did it, and even took first in my age category. Sometimes it is important to look back in life, just to see how far you’ve come. Since then I’ve done a 10k, a 7k trail race, and a 12k. Talk about addicting… I’ve got the racing bug.

In October, we had the pleasure of traveling back to Maine to see Brian’s brother and his beautiful fiance (look they have a blog too! VO2(snax)) tie the knot. We shared a wonderful week with family and loved ones doing all that fall New England – y stuff that you just can’t do in the desert: apple picking, country fairs, Pinecrest rd. bonfires… Our departure was bitter sweet.

1506896_10152921120254887_1841907307228554271_nThis year we prepared our first Thanksgiving feast for two. While we missed sharing time with our families, we always find warmth in the abundance of blessings that we have. One of which being the lovely people we have met and had the pleasure of sharing a Thanksgiving morning hike with. It was a beautiful day!


And now I just can’t believe that we are just only week away from Christmas!!  Last weekend we hosted the Fleet Feet Scottsdale Christmas party at our place. It was so nice to squeeze everyone into our little apartment. There was food, wine, laughter, and Brian and I welcomed a new member to our family…

Everyone, meet Bubby

And yes, that’s me dying of laughter when I opened up my white elephant gift to find… a goldfish.

So that’s where we’re at right now. Getting ready to celebrate the Holidays and ring in the New Year with new ambitions and open hearts! And hopefully some more consistent blogging!! I’ll be back in the kitchen soon and sharing some more yummy Paleo-friendly runner food soon!

Long Run Fuel: Or Not…

It’s never easy when your long run is a failed attempt. I  had hoped to do 8.5 miles this morning after I rocked last week’s 8, but I just didn’t have it in me this morning. My immediate reaction is to start going through the list of variables in my head to figure out EXACTLY what went wrong: well,maybe it’s because I didn’t sleep enough, maybe it’s because I didn’t really eat any carbs yesterday, maybe I should have run yesterday, maybe I should have done yoga yesterday… the list goes on and on and on. And as I am trying to figure out precisely what I need to do to prevent this from ever happening again, that little voice of reason pops up in my head and says, “Maybe you should just let it go…” The hardest person to forgive and not judge is ourselves, and it is especially hard to accept ourselves during times of failure, but it is important to let it go and move on. Forgive, forget, and keep on trying! So I ran 6.6 with my Wednesday running partner, walked about a mile, then gave up as it started to thunder. Even though I was feeling a little down about my run, it was still a wonderful day off, and I’m going to tell you all about it!
Let me just start by talking about how disgusting the weather was this morning. 80 degrees and 78% humidity. Ugh! I know all you Maine peeps are like, “psh… stop whining! That’s nothing”, but even after only 3 months in the desert, that feels like the freaking rainforest. The air felt so thick and smelled like wet dust. Ugh!
So I was up at 4:30 because I really need like 45 minutes to get ready to go out for a run and to drink my coffee. Pre-run I like to keep it pretty simple. I don’t usually feel like eating anything this early  in the morning, but I find that I (usually) perform better if i do. Green apples seem to be about the easiest thing for me to digest before a work out, and before a long run I add just a little blob of honey to my coconut oil coffee (check out How We Do Coffee).  Then a few stretches, some leg swings, and air squats to get the blood moving.
After my run, I came home, ate breakfast (eggs, quinoa, leftover parsnips! Yum!), drank a ton of water, and headed out for some shopping with Brian. Shopping went about as well as the run did… I have 3 events that I need dresses/outfits for and managed to find only one shirt that applied to none of the above. Shopping is way more exhausting than running – especially when you can’t find what you’re looking for. Brian had about as much luck as I did and called it quits as soon as hunger started to kick in. We came home for, you betcha, salads! Mine came out really pretty, just take a look:

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I wasn’t feeling the greens so much, so today it was mostly toppings. Cooked carrots, leftover sausage, avocado, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, and oil and vinegar. SO good!!
We enjoyed a nice lazy afternoon hanging by the pool and relaxing at home. Batteries are re-charged and ready for what the rest of the week brings us! I’m thinking some running, eating, cooking, and nature!




Finding Zen

“Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it”
-Ray Bradbury

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This is my yoga loft. It is the upstairs loft space in our apartment where only good vibrations and positive growth is allowed.  There is no facebook up there, there are no movies. In this space we foster no complaints, no negativity, no jealousy, nor anger. This is where we go to let go. It is a yoga space, a foam-rolling and stretching space, and a space for prayer, meditation and reflection. This is where we go to find our zen.  It is where we go to let go of a bad day, or our worries about the future. This is where we go to reconnect. Because we have deemed it such, it holds powerful truth.  There is an instant feeling of calm when you enter the yoga loft.

Do you have a zen space? A place where you can go to let go? A place where you can feel all the love and reassurance of the universe? Where is your happy place? Go find it!

And that concludes my yogi master post of the day.

How We Do Coffee

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If you have not tried putting coconut oil in your coffee, than you really, really must.  If not for all the wonderful health benefits of coconut oil, than for the rich, amazing, frothy goodness that comes from blending it with your morning java.  It is loaded with healthy saturated fat that helps keep you full, keep your blood sugar levels steady, and give you an extra kick of energy – with out extra jitters! For me it is not only a wonderful way to start my day, but the perfect get-up-and-go fuel for my run!

Now, you could just plop a teaspoon or two into your hot cup of joe, but the consistency is a little weird. You end up with big fat blobs on the top of your coffee that are… less than palatable. But, if you combine 1-2 tsp. of unrefined coconut oil with a mug full of coffee in the blender, magic happens! The result is a creamy, frothy, coconut latte! I like to add a few drops of vanilla extract, or a tiny bit of cocoa powder. In the fall I like to add cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves for a homemade pumpkin spice latte, and sometimes if I need a little extra boost in the morning before a long run, I’ll add a teaspoon of honey. The possibilities are endless!

For the ultimate “bullet-proof” coffee, Brian likes to also add a teaspoon of unsalted butter. He’s hardcore.


Headache Help

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“Here comes a Haboob” Headache Salve

1/4 c. Coconut oil
4-5 drops Lavender essential oil
4-5 drops Peppermint essential oil
Lavender flowers (optional)
Melt the coconut oil in a double boiler or in the microwave (or, if you live in Arizona, just leave it on your counter…) until it is in a liquid state. Add the oils and lavender flowers, and chill in the fridge until solidified.  Store in the fridge or a cool place.

In the past few weeks, as the monsoon season begins, we’ve been experiencing some crazy weather out here. Well…. sort of – I’ll believe the rain when I see it.  Almost every afternoon we see the huge thunder clouds roll in from behind the mountains east of us, the winds pick up, sometimes there’s lightning, sometimes there’s dust, there hasn’t been rain, but for me there is ALWAYS a headache. We see a cloudless sky slowly taken over by huge, and I mean HUGE, “thunder-boomers”, and that drastic change in barometric pressure makes my head throb.  I whipped up this salve the other day to help soothe my head and my mood.  Just find a quiet place to sit, put a little salve on your index and middle fingers and slowly massage into your temples.  It feels great, and smells great! Just be sure not to put too much on your fingers, it’s just coconut oil after all and it will dribble down the side of your face! A little bit goes a long way!

In regards to the inspiration for the name of my salve, a “Haboob” is a dust storm.  As the weather moves in and the winds pick up, it moves all that dust and grit with it.

Climbing Fun

One of the challenges Brian and I have been faced with lately is finding indoor things to do on our days off together.  When the days are too hot for even hanging by the pool, and we can’t stand another minute of hiding in our air conditioned apartment with the shades drawn, we get a little cranky. We’re also trying to avoid activities that involve a.) eating b.) shopping c.) staring at a screen d.) spending oodles of money.  These things also tend to lead towards crankiness. So our latest brain storm and plan is to try out all sorts of exercise! Indoor exercise, that is. This week, we hit up the rock gym! We visited AZ on the Rocks for some super fun climbing and it turned out to be great full body exercise, as well as, for me anyway, some exercise in trust… (me? what?). We tested our limits and stepped outside of our comfort zone – and it felt great to do it together. Climbing is a lot like life: when you’re up a wall, and holding on for dear life, sometimes you have to make a quick change in plan to get to where you need to go, and trust that the universe is not going to let you fall. It’s always an uphill struggle, but when you get to the top, nothing feels better!

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After all that monkeying around, it was time to refuel, and my Thanksgiving Turkey Burgers came out so yummy!  Think stuffing and turkey rolled into one delicious, quick-to-make, easy-to-eat, throw-it-on-the grill, burger!


Thanksgiving Turkey Burgers

1 lb. Ground Turkey
2 Medium Carrots, diced
2 Stalks Celery, diced
1 Shallot, diced
1/2 c. Dried cranberries
1 1/2 tsp. Dried Thyme
1 1/2 tsp. Dried Rosemary
1 1/2 tsp. Dried Sage
1 egg
Olive Oil for Sauteing
Salt and Pepper
In a skillet,  saute carrot, celery, and shallot in olive oil until the carrots have softened and the shallots are translucent. Meanwhile, in a medium mixing bowl, combine cranberries, herbs, and salt and pepper. Once cooked, add the veggies to the bowl and mix.  When the veggies have cooled slightly, add ground turkey and the egg, mix well (hands are best for this one!) form into burgers and grill, pan fry, bake, or broil – how ever you do your burgers!
We enjoyed ours atop some local butter lettuce with olive oil and Dijon mustard – but the possibilities are endless!

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Sedona and a recipe

When I started this blog, I thought I would have SO much to write about!  As it would seem, I have been less than inspired to write about much at all.  Most of you would have already seen, on facebook, pictures of our wonderful day trip to Sedona, AZ. It was absolutely stunning up there, and I cannot wait for our next trip!  It is a short hour and 45 min. drive through beautiful mountains and canyons to get there.  Although it is usually at least 10 degrees cooler there than in Scottsdale, it was still too hot to take some of the longer hiking trails which offered very little shade. We chose a short 3.5 mile (round trip) walk up to Devil’s Bridge, a naturally formed rock bridge.  There were stunning views along the entire trail. I loved the juxtaposition of pine trees against cactus – it’s very much like ourselves right now.

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I thought I would share a recipe from this week as well.  Spaghetti squash is one of our favorite carby vegetables, and this dish works well as a one-pot meal, or a side dish. The left-overs were especially good with eggs for breakfast after our Sunday morning trail run!

Lemon Garlic Spaghetti Squash with Bacon and Spinach

1 large spaghetti squash
16 oz. thick cut, uncured bacon, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
2 cups chopped baby spinach (frozen would work well too!)
Zest of 1 lemon
Juice from 1/2 of lemon
Salt and Pepper
1 tsp. dried oregano
Crushed red pepper flakes, to taste

Cut spaghetti squash in half length-wise, scoop out seeds, and place in glass baking dish skin-side up. Add just a small amount of water to the dish and bake at 375 for 45 minutes or until the squash is soft.  Once cooked, scrape the flesh out using a fork, and set aside.
In a large pot, saute bacon until it begins to brown. You can either leave all of the fat, or pour some of it out, depending on your taste or how much lard the bacon yields.  Add garlic and spinach and saute just until the spinach starts to wilt. Add the spaghetti squash to the pot and season with lemon zest, juice, salt, pepper, oregano and red pepper flakes. If you poured most of the bacon fat out you may want to add a little olive oil, again, depending on your taste.  Saute for 5 or 10 minutes on low- medium heat. Serve and enjoy!

Friday Morning Hike

So here I am, chez-lounging it up, poolside, book in hand, getting gloriously tan, and this woman goes cruising by on her floatie, climbs out of the pool in front of me and says, a little too casually, “Watch out for the scorpions, my friend over there just got stung…”
Me: “What? Here?!”
Her: “Yeah, right over there. In the pool.”


We’ve been here almost a month now, and thankfully that is the closest I have come to meeting a scorpion, or any other of the creepy creatures that are said to live out here.  Most of the wild life we enjoy seeing, especially in their environment. I think I’d really like to see a tarantula or rattle snake, just as long as it’s in their home, and not mine!

I am so happy that this job opportunity for Brian presented itself in such a beautiful place. The heat makes it hard to do most hikes right now, but we have been able to do some shorter, early morning hikes and trail runs in the nearby area. Friday morning we went up to Bell Pass, in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve. The views were stunning.  To our North East, views of the McDowell Mountain regional park, and to the South West, “The Valley”, Camelback Mountain, and beyond that you could even see some of downtown Phoenix.

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North East


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South West
Can you see the shape of Camelback?