Friday Morning Hike

So here I am, chez-lounging it up, poolside, book in hand, getting gloriously tan, and this woman goes cruising by on her floatie, climbs out of the pool in front of me and says, a little too casually, “Watch out for the scorpions, my friend over there just got stung…”
Me: “What? Here?!”
Her: “Yeah, right over there. In the pool.”


We’ve been here almost a month now, and thankfully that is the closest I have come to meeting a scorpion, or any other of the creepy creatures that are said to live out here.  Most of the wild life we enjoy seeing, especially in their environment. I think I’d really like to see a tarantula or rattle snake, just as long as it’s in their home, and not mine!

I am so happy that this job opportunity for Brian presented itself in such a beautiful place. The heat makes it hard to do most hikes right now, but we have been able to do some shorter, early morning hikes and trail runs in the nearby area. Friday morning we went up to Bell Pass, in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve. The views were stunning.  To our North East, views of the McDowell Mountain regional park, and to the South West, “The Valley”, Camelback Mountain, and beyond that you could even see some of downtown Phoenix.

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North East


2014-06-20 06.56.24

South West
Can you see the shape of Camelback?


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