
Finding Zen

“Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it”
-Ray Bradbury

2014-07-31 06.00.42
This is my yoga loft. It is the upstairs loft space in our apartment where only good vibrations and positive growth is allowed.  There is no facebook up there, there are no movies. In this space we foster no complaints, no negativity, no jealousy, nor anger. This is where we go to let go. It is a yoga space, a foam-rolling and stretching space, and a space for prayer, meditation and reflection. This is where we go to find our zen.  It is where we go to let go of a bad day, or our worries about the future. This is where we go to reconnect. Because we have deemed it such, it holds powerful truth.  There is an instant feeling of calm when you enter the yoga loft.

Do you have a zen space? A place where you can go to let go? A place where you can feel all the love and reassurance of the universe? Where is your happy place? Go find it!

And that concludes my yogi master post of the day.

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